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Sunday, 6 September 2009
New arrivals
A few pics from our trip the Rare Breeds sale at Thainstone last weekend. Thought you might be interested in some of the old junk that was in the auction. Plus, can you identify the wooden 'machine' with the number 11 label on it? Crikey, how did it get to be 13:09? Now I'm late for work.
And our new purchases....Hilda (Not her real name...) and her two lambs, and Solly (Sunday name "Solgar") the Soay.
Sheeps? Pups? A band of gypsies with their colorful caravans, songs, outfits, and dozens of small children to work the fields?
Solly the Soay - all together now, 'awwwwwwww' Isn't he/she beautiful. No idea what device no. 11 is - some kind of press, but what for? Also, I own a Tilley lamp (pic no. 2) and a Pyrene fire extinguisher (pic no. 7). Shows how much junk I've got!!
First a Yorkshire Exmoor pony, then a Cumbrian Geordie sheep. I can't wait for the Cockney Belted Galloways to arrive!............Oh NO!, don't tell us G.B.C. is really Welsh!!!
don t they use a centrifuge for honey seperation.Looks like a multiple cheese making press with draining table to me.I guess the other dairy equipment in the background are a bit of a clue. A welsh GBC , heaven help us!
A band of gypsies with their colorful caravans, songs, outfits, and dozens of small children to work the fields?
Not more Cubbies!!
Goodness, Darrell, how well you know us!!Actually it was one Herdwick with two cross Charollais lambs, and a tiny Soay lamb.
...uuhhhhh..those are sheep types I guess.
Would it be a Welshman and a Scosman Mrs BC?
If it's a riddle you want anon, then it's more of a Geordie with a Frenchman with Leicestershire connections. Oh, and a wee Scotsman!!!!
How about some pictures. Especially of the Soay lamb.
would be easier for me to play a fiddle than work out one of your riddles Mrs BC, was short Stan up by any chance?
Hmmmm.....Herdwick..a "Geordie" sheep from Cumbria Mrs B.C?
Stuart ;-)
Deary me, this is all getting very coded. Time for some pics, when I can find them amongst the 343 from Alford on the weekend.
So S goes with S
C goes with F
H goes with NE
Dead simple :-)
Well done Stuart!
Solly the Soay - all together now, 'awwwwwwww' Isn't he/she beautiful.
No idea what device no. 11 is - some kind of press, but what for? Also, I own a Tilley lamp (pic no. 2) and a Pyrene fire extinguisher (pic no. 7). Shows how much junk I've got!!
The wooden "machine" looks like some sort of press for squeezing liquid out of something into the tray below. Could it be for cheese?
First a Yorkshire Exmoor pony, then a Cumbrian Geordie sheep. I can't wait for the Cockney Belted Galloways to arrive!............Oh NO!, don't tell us G.B.C. is really Welsh!!!
Stuart ;-)
c'mon .... get yer bum in gear... hahahahaha
Alford Piccies !!!
Alford Piccies !!!
Alford Piccies !!!
just want to see if you got any of twister on the R6 teehee
It's not junk, it's useful stuff from a bygone age. Can you imagine the stuff from now being around in a hundred or more years time?
Number 11 looks like some sort of medieval torture equipment?, to be honest I don't know what the press is used for, but if it had an engine in it ...
How about a honey press?
Sorry John, no Twister pics this year :-(
Stu, a Welsh GBC? Tee hee.
don t they use a centrifuge for honey seperation.Looks like a multiple cheese making press with draining table to me.I guess the other dairy equipment in the background are a bit of a clue.
A welsh GBC , heaven help us!
How about a honey press?
...sounds sexy...
Is it possible you need a new hearing aid BB?
Huh?...Whad'ya say Mrs. BC?
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