Thanks to Kawa for spending hours and hours editing this fine footage of Cubbie zooming along the highways and byways.
And while I was watching that, I found his video of the Classic Racers at the recent Alford Convention.
Nice wee tune btw Kwak.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
The Haggis Prep continues...
Yippeee, another 5 Haggis entry forms landed today, and they're all logged into my spreadsheet, taking us up to 33 entries. I seem to have hurt my back, no idea how that happened, but as a result I've been propped up at the computer most of day catching up with writing and admin work so I've had plenty of time to muck about with the spreadsheet. I love the AutoSum button, don't you? Captain Bill's route sheet for the run also arrived today, so now I can carefully inch over to my not-top-of-the-range 3 in 1 printer / scanner / copier machine and run off about 40 copies. Think I'll need to set it up and sit down while I wait. Then between us, Mrs BC and I can make up the rider packs with the route sheets, food tickets, instructions and all necessary details. Oh yes, then there are the mugs to take care of...I've got to, er, sort them out, somehow, and the marshal packs to finish. It's actually quite hard writing instructions for the checkpoint operators, as I have to imagine every possible situation that could arise, and detail exactly what to do and when to be there, oh, and where to be....if only I knew!
Anyway, I hope my back is on the mend by Sunday or it won't be much fun at all, and if I'm still sitting here tomorrow, bolt upright with my fist stuffed in the small of my back, then I look forward to watching Kawa's video of Cubbie racing around the lanes of Scotland. Well, I mean, I'm looking forward to it anyway, but all the more if I have to be in the same chair all day.
Anyway, I hope my back is on the mend by Sunday or it won't be much fun at all, and if I'm still sitting here tomorrow, bolt upright with my fist stuffed in the small of my back, then I look forward to watching Kawa's video of Cubbie racing around the lanes of Scotland. Well, I mean, I'm looking forward to it anyway, but all the more if I have to be in the same chair all day.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Cubbie on YooToob!!!
Better be quick and check it out before they wipe the soundtrack for violation of something called copyright....
Thanks for all your comments chaps, I aim to put a couple of videos showcasing Cubbies Counties on YooToob some time in the not too distant future....
Shopping and Haggis Prep.
Girls just love shopping, don't we? Well this one doesn't, not unless it's something to do with bikes. I went shopping last night on my way home from work. It's a good job Asda is open until 10pm. With the Haggis Run literally running towards us at a rate of knots, I needed to get a few bits and pieces, big envelopes for the rider packs, food tickets and the like. Then I spotted a gadget I knew we had to have. A mini-laminator! Not for laminating minis as you might think, but a relatively small machine that I'm sure Mrs BC can find room for in her office, 'cos there ain't no room in mine! To have any laminating done, I normally have to email the files to my computer-coordinated chum, Tricky, and then have to make a special journey over there to collect the items, and of course, we don't like him to be out of with this little cheapo gadget, that should save us a few quid in the long run. Can't wait to give it a try....yes I know, easily pleased and all that.
Ooooh, talking of shopping again, we have to order the Commemorative Gifts on Wednesday, and then they should be ready on Friday. That might sound a little bit last minute but trust us on this, we know what we're doing.
What else is there to do? All the usual blurb really, copy all the route sheets, collate the entries and order the necessary number of meals at the various venues we're using, then there's the issue of the Sun Dance we managed to get soooo right last year. And alongside all this, we have to catch and tag some sheeps for sale, visit the tractor day, maybe, sell a bike (not mine, I'm just the middle-woman) and go to work occasionally. And I suppose I had better give you the report on the UCAN run that I promised! Time for brekky now.
Ooooh, talking of shopping again, we have to order the Commemorative Gifts on Wednesday, and then they should be ready on Friday. That might sound a little bit last minute but trust us on this, we know what we're doing.
What else is there to do? All the usual blurb really, copy all the route sheets, collate the entries and order the necessary number of meals at the various venues we're using, then there's the issue of the Sun Dance we managed to get soooo right last year. And alongside all this, we have to catch and tag some sheeps for sale, visit the tractor day, maybe, sell a bike (not mine, I'm just the middle-woman) and go to work occasionally. And I suppose I had better give you the report on the UCAN run that I promised! Time for brekky now.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
It's my blog...
...and I know it's generally about classic bikes and in particular CUBBIES but I'm afraid I just can't resist this 'ere picture I took at the UCAN Charity run last weekend.......yummmmmmmmm
And if you want to see more photos, of both old and new bikes, go to and click on the link to the gallery on the left hand side. I thank you.
And if you want to see more photos, of both old and new bikes, go to and click on the link to the gallery on the left hand side. I thank you.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Hey, I haven't got time to put much on here at the moment, even though I have absolutely heaps and HEAPS of stuff to share, so here are a couple of those YooToob video things I thought you might be interested in, just to keep you hooked until I can write something for you.
Graham Blighe's promo video for his new book, Speedo Repair...
Kawa's on-board vid from his day at the UCAN charity ride...
And a few from a friend of mind, Sid Leitch, bike builder extraordinaire...
Sid has also just set up a blog, so you can pop over there and keep an eye on his projects at
Graham Blighe's promo video for his new book, Speedo Repair...
Kawa's on-board vid from his day at the UCAN charity ride...
And a few from a friend of mind, Sid Leitch, bike builder extraordinaire...
Sid has also just set up a blog, so you can pop over there and keep an eye on his projects at
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Pics from the Alford Convention
Thank you to UN for the following pics...

And thanks to Bill from the Bon Accord club for this shot of the Great Cubbie whizzing (yes, of course Cubbie can 'whizz!) round the track, vrooooooooom pop pop pop.
And now for some from my collection - difficult to post any of my 'old bike' related photos, as Old Bike Mart will have first call on them, but here for your pleasure is a selection that covers the rest of the days activities.

Thank you to UN for the following pics...

And now for some from my collection - difficult to post any of my 'old bike' related photos, as Old Bike Mart will have first call on them, but here for your pleasure is a selection that covers the rest of the days activities.

Sunday, 13 September 2009
Cubbie won't start.
And I'm off to work in Fort William for a few days, so no time to investigate.
See y'all when I get back, and who knows, I might even get a chance to stick some pics up from Alford.
RIGHT, I'M BACK! Hope to get time to have a quick look at Cubbie today, but we've got to catch some sheep and catch up on essential chores before any bikey stuff can happen. Really great to come home to about 6 or 7 comments on the blog, thanks people for logging in / on and being a part of it all. To anyone who emailed me while I was away, I'll reply to you as soon as I can....
And I'm off to work in Fort William for a few days, so no time to investigate.
See y'all when I get back, and who knows, I might even get a chance to stick some pics up from Alford.
RIGHT, I'M BACK! Hope to get time to have a quick look at Cubbie today, but we've got to catch some sheep and catch up on essential chores before any bikey stuff can happen. Really great to come home to about 6 or 7 comments on the blog, thanks people for logging in / on and being a part of it all. To anyone who emailed me while I was away, I'll reply to you as soon as I can....
Friday, 11 September 2009
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Alford Convention
Hmmm. Well, I haven't had much time this week to go through my Alford pics, although I do know there is one of a naked man. Cubbie did about 3 or 4 laps of the track in the classic parade, my lap times weren't quite up to that of Timmy the Twister on his borrowed R6, but I put it down to having to borrow Johnny's helmet, which was a fraction on the large size and kept falling over my eyes. They had supermoto things, a trials display, the moped marathon and some special guests riding special bikes, but I missed them all cos I didn't hear a thing on the tannoy. I did watch a bit of the fashion show, but it was affa dark in there. We attracted a few new members to the Grampian Classic club, lots of Haggis entry forms were taken as were the forms for the UCAN charity motorcycle ride (see and good old Mrs BC manned (womanned?) the stall for most of the day, making tea and coffee for members, dishing out paperwork, selling tee shirts and generally keeping busy. The sun shone and all I did was wander around taking photographs for my write up for Old Bike Mart. Might do something for the other Mortons mags too.
I shall be up at 04:00hrs tomorrow for to catch me a train to Burton Upon Trent for the VMCC meeting, now where did I put all those books I bought for the journey. But between now and then we've got to change the dressings on Crumble's abscesses, catch and worm some sheep, I've got to go to work, and I'm sure there are a million and one other things to be done, it's just a case of remembering them all!
Enjoy the lack of pictures, you'll have to visualise Cubbie flying round the track, 'cos no one got any pics anyway :-(
I shall be up at 04:00hrs tomorrow for to catch me a train to Burton Upon Trent for the VMCC meeting, now where did I put all those books I bought for the journey. But between now and then we've got to change the dressings on Crumble's abscesses, catch and worm some sheep, I've got to go to work, and I'm sure there are a million and one other things to be done, it's just a case of remembering them all!
Enjoy the lack of pictures, you'll have to visualise Cubbie flying round the track, 'cos no one got any pics anyway :-(
Sunday, 6 September 2009
New arrivals
Friday, 4 September 2009
Duff House and Shed Painting
The Duff House show isn't usually well attended by us classic motorcyclists, but this year however, the turnout was much improved. Someone said there were a couple of hundred classic and specialist cars there, but I didn't bother to count, all cars look the same to me, unless it's something like a Model T. Alfie Cheyne's steam engines were there too (the chap we went to visit a few weeks back as a club trip) as well as a selection of tractors.

Cubbie suffered a bit of a fuel tap leak. It was ok at home, but by the time Cubbie had waited around a few hours, I came back to find a big petrolly puddle beneath the wee bike. This is my brand new tap, which I purchased for the very reason of replacing the old one - that leaked. This new one seems to bleed from the threads where it screws into the tank and no amount of tightening by the chaps (using a wotcha-call-it, wrench thing with big vicious jaws - ouch!) would stop it. Mr P was going to perform the 'string trick' but the others outvoted him and simply tightened it up even more. To be fair, the leak did ease a bit, but the application of a bit of string wrapped around the thread when back at home, dried it up altogether. Well, it'll save me buying a wotcha-call-it-washer that everyone said I needed!

And onto shed news.....calm's not that exciting.....

Cubbie suffered a bit of a fuel tap leak. It was ok at home, but by the time Cubbie had waited around a few hours, I came back to find a big petrolly puddle beneath the wee bike. This is my brand new tap, which I purchased for the very reason of replacing the old one - that leaked. This new one seems to bleed from the threads where it screws into the tank and no amount of tightening by the chaps (using a wotcha-call-it, wrench thing with big vicious jaws - ouch!) would stop it. Mr P was going to perform the 'string trick' but the others outvoted him and simply tightened it up even more. To be fair, the leak did ease a bit, but the application of a bit of string wrapped around the thread when back at home, dried it up altogether. Well, it'll save me buying a wotcha-call-it-washer that everyone said I needed!

And onto shed news.....calm's not that exciting.....
Every time it's rained, heavy or not, I end up with a big puddle of water in the shed. It came in under the left hand wall because as a novice shed floor builder, I made my concrete base bigger than it needed to be, which meant that rather than the walls sitting right on the edge and overlapping it, one side sits about a couple of inches in from the edge. Yes, that means that the rain runs down the wall and under the shed. My Bright Ideas Man came up with a slightly better sounding suggestion than a bead of silicon - fix a length of roofing felt along so that it directs the water off the base. Simple. So I did that the other day, before I did the painting and am pleased to report that even after nearly 36hours of non-stop rain here in the north east of Scotland, the shed floor is bone dry. Well, apart from where it leaks between and under the doors...but they'll be fixed on properly soon and probably have a 'weather board' of sorts too.
I was just about to upload a piccy but blogger is refusing to work, so that's all for now.
For sale
MZ ETZ 251, H Reg., MOT June 2010, Tax May 2010. Immaculate, one owner from new, 25k miles, new front Michelin M45, Grimeca master cylinder, stainless braided front hose, Lucas solid state regulator, voltmeter, new screen, heated grips, fibre optic telltale rear light, side-stand, carrier, top box, pannier frames & pair of Pneumant 32-litre panniers. Maintained r.o.c. Ready for a Continental tour, ride away for £550. Bike is located in Stirlingshire, Scotland. ((OOOh, think Cubbie was there a long time that Falkirk Wheel thingy...
Contact me at cubbiescounties AT (change the AT to the proper email symbol)
Contact me at cubbiescounties AT (change the AT to the proper email symbol)
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Bonny Scotland
Tis such a nice day today that I've spent all morning outside, pottering around doing a few odd jobs on the shed. But the big question is, should I paint or creosote the single door? I've got a small amount of green paint, and larger quantities of brown and purple non drip gloss I could get rid of. What do you say? Leave a comment and let me know what us girls are like when it comes to making decisions!
This afternoon, I was going to write up my trip to Duff House (last Sunday) but to be honest, the sun is still I hope you don't mind....but I'm off out again....
This afternoon, I was going to write up my trip to Duff House (last Sunday) but to be honest, the sun is still I hope you don't mind....but I'm off out again....
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