Laydeeez and gentlemenz, I do hereby announce The Plan. I had planned to announce The Plan over the weekend, but had a couple of car related problems to deal with, so I thought, well, everyone loves a Monday morning announcement, so I'll announce the announcement of The Plan here and now :
I'm planning to start a new magazine all about Triumph Tiger Cubs and Terriers.
There y'go, I've said it now. I've been keeping it under my hat for a few weeks, making enquiries, costing things out and contacting people, and I think it could be a go-er. It's not quite finalised yet, but you can probably expect -
*an A5 size publication - easy to fit in your pocket/Cub tool box
*loadsa pages in full colour - just had to add another page to the first issue to make room for more articles
*subscription only, quarterly publication
*road tests on different models of Cub
*restoration stories
*service / supplier features
*Cub quiz with Great Prizes.....hopefully....maybe....well, a prize of some sort anyway!
*nostalgia series
*profiles of owners and bikes
*off road section
*for sale & wanted section
*product / book reviews
*spotted Cubs
*readers stories of Cub adventures
*techy tips
*forthcoming events - which leads me to add that I'm also planning some sort of Cub Gathering for summer 2012...that bit remains Top Secret for just a while longer though...
One of the main supporters is that well known supplier of all things Cub, Greystone Enterprises, who will be offering subscribers to The Cub Mag a healthy 10% discount! The Cub Mag also has the support of Mike Estall, author of what all Cubbers refer to as the Cub Bible, and Steve Aikens, the owner of the very popular Cub forum, - both of whom will be contributing to the first issue which is due out in April 2012.
So, like any other club style publication, much of the content relies on YOU, the reader. While I'm able to interview owners and write stories myself, it would be nice to receive some submissions written by your own fair hand, on anything to do with Cubs or Terriers. It might be that you used to have one, it was your first bike - tell us about it, take us back to the time when you were learning to ride a motorcycle and how you came to own a Tiger Cub - or maybe you trial one nowadays? The one thing missing so far from the draft copy of the first issue, is anything muddy and offroady. There's a lot of pre65/twinshock trials around the country, could you perhaps just nip along with your camera for me on a crisp, autumn weekend and get some shots of Cubs doing what a lot of people say they do best?
I know a lot of people who say they can't write. Don't fret about that. Just jot down the basics; dates, names, locations and then the rest, well, it'll be easier to fill in the blanks. Something else I'd like to feature too, is Cubs and Terriers spotted at random when you're out and about - take a photo, send it in and we'll see if the owner reads The Cub Mag!
Hey, talking of readers and subscribers, you don't actually need to own a Cub to be able to subscribe, although we hope to convert as many non-owners as possible!
Well I reckon that's a good enough reason for GBC and the Blog having been a bit on the quiet side lately; as well as all this Planning of Plans, there's been the building of a new shed, doing the day job, running the local Classic and the Vintage clubs, and nipping down to Burton on Trent for VMCC meetings. Over winter, I shall be trying to put this magazine idea into motion - the next step is setting up the website - what do you reckon, website or blog? Then there's a Facebook page and Twitter....and I've got an interview with Greystone Enterprises lined up soon too...are there any questions I should be asking Adrian and Derek, apart from 'have you got the choccy biscuits at the ready'....?