Sorry, but this photo of Grampian Club member Doug, just has to be at the top of the page. Poor chap was attacked by his BSA - that nasty yellow vicious thing there - and I think he's snapped his achilles tendon....owwwwwwww ouch, that's gotta hurt. Good old Slick has kindly supplied Doug with a means of transport though...
Some nice wintry ones from Jake in the Scottish Classic Club....presumably from somewhere in Perthshire-ish...maybe...
Followed by some from our Shetland correspondent...Geordie...the beautiful blue sky one is Fitful Head (whatever that is - code for a hangover??) the coastline one was taken from Sumburgh Head with the breeze approaching 80mph, and the other one is Jarlshof on the same Very Windy Day!
Then of course, there is Our Darrell, all the way across the pond in sunny Florida. So sunny in fact that he was able to go diving in the deep blue sea on 3rd January. Most of these are from Panama City and Key Largo....
Ah, here come the late entries. Some from McKwak, no snow in sight but he did send one of the Lesser Spotted Cubbie hoping, I think, for extra points. No chance, that was in the summer!
Yey, some from BigBob, featuring Finns Point National Cemetery marker for Confederate soldiers who died at Pea Patch Isand (Ft.Delaware POW camp) during US Civil War (over 2500), Ice on the River in Pennsville NJ and another from Finns Point - the WW1 Soldiers Headstones. I'll leave you to work out which is which.
Any more pics to send me? Best one wins an "I LOVE GBC's BLOG" tee shirt. Closing date not yet decided, prize not yet made and rules not yet thought of. Send me your pics. Please. Make this place look pretty.
Now, that's my kind of wedding! Ask Geordie for some pics of Up Helly Aa.
Aww....thanks, now I'm published.
Nice wedding set up. The chariot is a great idea.
Nice seeing people doing their own thing when getting married,miles better than some old Rolls
Don't you just hate people who stay in nice warm parts of the world,nothing personal Darrel
Mrs BC looks like you're becoming a regular on here.
Better go an take some pics seeing as theres a chance of a freebie ,lol
So...what did Veitch think of you calling him a 'bridesmaid'?
"I love GBC's Blog"
Thats actually a pretty good T Shirt logo ........
Me me me me me me me .......
Well you better get snapping then John!
How about a t-shirt that reads
"I Love Gorgeous Biker Chick's ________"
We could fill it in ourselves...;-)
Watch it Bob, you'll be getting a clip round the ear if you're not careful - from mrs BigBob!
why not just have the shirt say "We love Gorgeous Biker Chicks."
Seems self explanatory.
Of course the back could say "..and Cubbies too."
"We love Gorgeous Biker Chicks."
What's with the 'S'? Hmmmm? There is only ONE of ME!!
Ok, ok, so no "S" on the shirt.
Watch it Bob, you'll be getting a clip round the ear if you're not careful - from mrs BigBob!
31 January 2009 09:26
Actually, I was thinking of filling the blank with "writing", "Cubbie", "photography", "Cubbies Counties", "Spirit" or even "Mugs"...
What did you think I meant... ;-)
You say there is only one of you.
Some of us feel that one is one too many
Shorty, you do say the nicest things. People in glasshouses and all that!!
Shorty I was thinking along those lines myself,but thought the better of it,shes got too much on me lol
Great to see the Ayr Show on here now! You coming down to this year's show BC?
...and don't you forget it Kwak.
Hey BC, I hope to be down there...I just feel kinda bad about not being able to do better with the coverage for them. I emailed George to let him know it's on the blog but had no reply...could you mention it any Ayr club chums? Ta.
See, somebody loves her!!
Hey, Its great to see an old invalid tricycle still being used as it should be and not stuck in some barn.
I bet the guy is real glad of it to get him around.
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