Yooooo hooooo, that's my little
1954 Triumph Terrier home safe and sound. More later.
Well here it is. This was my first glimpse of the Terrier, up in Willie's garage attic, somewhere in Shetland.

Then the next thing I knew, Geordie was in touch to say Willie's son in law, Martin, was bringing a car to Aberdeen, and this would be the transport for the Terrier across the sea. Well, that and the ferry of course. The car was for a customer up north somewhere, but he didn't know anything about the boxes and body bags in the boot, and besides, he couldn't pick it up from the ferry compound until the weekend. So Martin gave me a shout when he was in Aberdeen and we arranged to meet at the harbour and do the transfer.

He opened the door of the
car, and lo and behold, there was my little Terrier, all neatly packed in the boot. Willie had wrapped it up well, and not a glimpse of it could I have until it was all home and in the shed, and after we picked it up, Mrs BC made me go a shopping for several hours! Still, I could wait, it wasn't going anywhere.... and here it is....

A box of what looks like a wiring loom, oil tank, battery / tool box perhaps in there somewhere too.

Look at the cute little rear light! It's got
Wipac stamped on it, original? Dunno, you guys know more about that stuff than I. And the even cuter little barrel and piston! The bore looks in a bit of a bad state, at first glance, it looks like there are a couple of nasty scores from top to bottom. Also present, a mystery pot of something that rattles, hmmm, Smarties? Skittles? Have to wait and see.

A big sack full of tinware has yet to be unwrapped but here's a quick peek. Looks like mud guards, rear number plate and was that a silencer I saw in there too? It all looks like it could do with a tin or three of

Neatly packed into old mineral block boxes (my guess would be for sheep or cattle) is the head, a few small bits and the front number plate, never really liked the look of those on bikes but now I have one of my own....well..."
KRP 60", best get started on the research for that and the re-registration process.

Ah yes, and here's
Doolie, lending a helping paw to the proceedings...

And in the other box is the bottom chunk of engine. There's a huge scar of a repair on the primary chain case so we'll have to wait and see what went on there.
As far as I can see, it looks like it's 99% complete (yep, got the frame too), although that petrol tank looks suspiciously like a Cub tank to me, but if the tank fits... A browse through the the Triumph Tiger Cub Bible, as written by Mike Estall, shows the engine number as a 1954 model, although I am slightly confused by something else I read so I shall await confirmation from someone who knows a lot more about it than I do, reckon I'll probably find someone who fits that description on the Tiger Cub forum.
I don't expect to be tackling this one for a while, after all, I've got the trials Cub to work on first, and Cubbie's various minor ailments to 'look at' over the hols, and the Skorpy to fix, and Mrs BC's sidecar to build but I sure am excited to have another Triumph in the shed, and a fairly rare wee beast it is too. So there y'are John, that's a Terrier.
Big BIG thanks to Willie, Martin, Geordie and the owner of the car for all their help.