Thursday, 30 April 2009
Cubbie's Homecoming
Right, you'll be really upset to find out that I'm not about to do the Cubbie's Counties recap. Oh no, I've got a much better story for you for this week. You can have the recap later - I did start to write it but then it vanished, just like that.
So here we go, Cubbie's Homecoming - I had to nip over to Banchory on the weekend and due to my 4 wheeled vehicle hiccups, decided to go on Cubbie. It's not far, compared to my Easter weekend bonanza, only about 50 miles each way. The weather was up and down, sunny and still one minute and then cold, dull and raining the next, with a strong icy breeze. Brrr. Still, I'd made my decision so I togged up and set off. Down the hill into Fyvie, I love that bit, shutting off the throttle induces a raucous pop-pop-pop-BANG! Hehe, how childish, tsk tsk. Rather than taking the main road to Inverurie, I cut over the back way, through what used to be a small village, Rothienorman, but is now expanding rather too fast for my liking. The road took me past a turning on the left that I keep meaning to explore, but I couldn't be bothered, too cold for that malarkey. A quick peek in the tank at Drum of Wartle petrol station and I thought I could make it to Inverurie - I know I should support the local garages but it's hard when they're a few pence dearer than the big town ones. The were a couple of police cars attending the scene of an accident just outside town, but having only two wheels, I managed to pick my way through the scattered glass on the road. One car appeared to have a road sign growing out of it, but everyone looked ok, thank goodness. A quick petrol stop at Morrisons, a nod from a modern rocket rider, and then down the A96 and onto dual carriage way to the turning for Dunecht. It's quite a nice road, over hill and dale, passing through small hamlets and then whooshing you into the heart of huge estates, lined with towering stone walls and age old trees. Just out of Dunecht, and on the way to Echt, a farmer was busy on his tractor, kicking up a fine earthy dust that drifted across the road, very nice, all over my visor. Nearing Banchory the roads get bigger and straighter, and therefore, less interesting to a Cubbie rider, but we ploughed on. The rain kept threatening but held off long enough for me to make my destination. Funnily enough, I pulled up at the lights just a split second behind a sports bike rider who had blasted past me several miles ago. Business was taken care of, Cubbie started first kick and I set off for home. It was quite chilly by then so I stopped to put my waterproofs on, which made the sun come out and I was roasting. It occurred to me, as I approached the village of Lyne of Skene, that I ought to pop in and see Cubbie's previous owner. It was something I'd been meaning to do for ages, although each time, I'd put it off, feeling a tad nervous about how we would be received, for no other reason than the amount of cable ties and silicone sealer that is holding the bike together.
But I needn't have worried. I rode into the yard, and as luck would have it, a man was just carrying a load of logs into the house. He looked a bit confused at our arrival. I didn't recognise him, so I asked him if he was the guy from whom I had bought a Tiger Cub in several boxes, some six years ago, and it turned out he was. Indoors for a cuppa (mine was a cranberry juice, 'cos as you know, I don't drink cuppas) and a chat. We swapped a few stories and I told Nick and his wife all about the Cubbie's Counties charity challenge. Then he broached the subject of the electrics, and told me of the problem he had experienced during his ownership, where, after riding for about 25 miles, the bike would cease to charge. But if he left it a while, started it on 'emergency' and rode on again, it would be ok for another 25 miles. A weird one that, but due to his self confessed analytical nature, he worked out that it was all down to some dirt and gunk lurking in the bottom of the battery being swilled around. I told him of my charging woes from last year, when I undertook an unsuccessful search of the country to find a 3 wire alternator / round thingy that lives in the primary case. You may remember all the trouble that caused, and in the end Dr Jim fixed it by cleaning up some connections, and fitting one of his prized gel batteries. He also insisted on giving me a new tax disc holder, which looks very nice, but I don't think it helps the charging...or does it?
Amongst other things, Nick commented on the rather good handling of the Cub, but I had to update him on that one, with a seized swinging arm and leaky front forks the handling these days is a bit, erm, bendy? Bouncy? Bumpy? All of those really. Apparently the swinging arm had seized in his day too, I think he said he pressed it out and fitted new bushes, which helped. You should have seen him wince when I said I pressed it out with a lump of wood and a big hammer....hehe! That was when I didn't know any better. Which is implying that I DO know better now... The subject of the lime green undercoat on the rear number plate also cropped up, and I'm glad, because I've often wondered about it. It was like that when Nick bought it, and he was stopped by the cops for it, so painted it black. After an hour or so of reminiscing, I handed Nick The Key. I don't often give up The Key willingly, but this was different. I'd be delighted if someone I'd sold a bike-in-bits to, came back with it all done up and let me have a spin. The sun seemed to be out permanently now, and by the time Nick had run around the house looking for his helmet, boots and bike jacket which I don't think he had worn for about 30 years, it was positively warm. His wife seemed quite calm about the idea, but it was only after Nick had ridden off into the distance and she had captured the moment on her digital camera (video and pics to follow soon, I hope) that she said he hasn't ridden a bike since he'd last worn that jacket.... Oh. Right. Well. Gulp.
We could hear him coming well before we saw him. And as we did see him, he came tearing straight past us as if to head off around the circuit again. With a loud back fire and a bit of revving (he'd quickly got used to the fact that Cubbie won't tick over) he did an about turn and parked up in his yard, with a humongous Cubbie grin on his face.
All in all I think it was a most successful visit, I'm glad I popped in. Not only did Nick give me an old receipt (and some spark plugs found in the pocket of his bike jacket) from when he purchased Cubbie, but he's put me in touch with the guy who owned it before him, so look out for more Cubbie history tales.
You can have the Cubbie's Counties update next time. And some pics of Nick riding Cubbie just as soon as they land at Cubbie Towers.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Monday, 27 April 2009
Sidecar wanted for hire.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Tell you what.
Friday, 24 April 2009
It worked.
Between us, we finished some weed removal and planted 3 rows of tatties today, some Jersey Royal and Vivaldi, killed my back and my knee, and there are hundreds more to go. Have to finish the digging the other bit of ground first though. Doesn't look like I'll be going to the Spring Surprise hosted by the Scottish Classic club on Sunday; things to do here, and work in the afternoon.

The gliding is off too. Heavy rain and a generally miserable forecast for Tuesday.
Gotta go, cats to worm. Sleep tight.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
First lambies of the year.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Shed News.

Yesterday was the annual trip to Perth for the autojumble hosted by the Central Scotland section of the VMCC. Weather was cracking, Shorty reported a good turn out, and I missed all the Cubbie bits - although I was tempted by a whole Cubbie - very smart it was, black and silver, a snip at £1750. No racing 'bars on it though. Bumped into Harry - Glider Man, talked about plans for Fife so will keep you posted on that one. We came back over the Cairn O' Mount, lovely view from up top. No place for a car with a blown exhaust though.

Ooooh yers, it was like Christmas here the other day. I opened the "Cubbie seat sized parcel" of Cub bits from Bantam Cub. This is my next project - after I've built Mrs BC's sidecar and got the Bultaco running, oh and returned my MZ Skorp back to road going status... Anyway, what do you think was in the parcel? How about some heavy duty forks, shocks, lightweight mudguards, gaiters, levers, a couple of speedo-looking-clocks, a spare barrel and a couple of bits that I couldn't put a name to. No idea if they are part of a bike or perhaps a tool of some kind. Answers in a comment please.

PS are you fed up with the Coventry slide show yet?
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Famous for another 5 seconds.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Counties 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29.5

Up and away by 10.30am, Cubbie was pointed to the north and I did that thing again - you know, just following my nose and seeing where we end up - this time it was alongside the Union Canal, and conveniently, there was a wee barge / boaty thing that chugged into view as I was taking a couple of photos. Onwards towards Winchburgh, home of a multiple-Tiger-Cub-owner whom I've never actually met, and still haven't met, even though I made a lotta racket going through the town, and then it was up to the mighty Forth Road Bridge. Hmmm. Got a little lost looking for the back roads, wanted to avoid the M9 if at all possible, and found myself at a back entrance to Edinburgh Airport, where I met five nice plane spotters - thanks for he sponsorship guys. Made it over to the bridge, following their directions, and I can tell you there are 99 joins in the surface, and every single one of them is jolly uncomfortable when you're riding a rigid Cubbie.

Once over the bridge, we took a sharp left and headed out on the A985 (a nasty fast and very busy main road) to Kincardine, turn right, then left, and it's into Clackmannanshire. Intrigued by a sign for the Tower Trail, I ended up at the Market Cross and Tolbooth in the centre of town. The bottom of the cross bears the marks of many a prisoner’s chain. Built in 1592, the Tolbooth used to comprise the court room, prison cells, jailer’s house, and the best bit - the instruments of punishment. Outside was a nice comfy bench that didn't wobble up and down, so I took time for a rest, a swig of water, some crisps and a breakfast bar. This is the life, eh, and all for charity too. I was supposed to be having lunch at the Clackmannan council canteen, but this being Easter Sunday, I didn't think it would be open - however, if I can get back there again before the end of the County Challenge, I would be delighted if that particular offer from Rod was still open. Following the Tower Trail signs took me to Alloa for a peek at the Tower, but the closest I could get was in the Tesco car pack next door. Onwards to Kinross-shire. Again, I have an offer of places to go and people to see there, but as I was in the area, I thought I might as well tick it off and if time permits, I can always go back. I've seen the signs for Saline before, and always wondered what was there.... so I went there...but apart from beautiful empty roads, daffodils o the verges, coos and sheeps in the skies and bright sunshine, there was nothing much there at all. Just the way I like it. I tried to head to Dunfermline just for a lookie, could have popped into Luader College where I learnt the trade of Furniture Restoration and the rules of life, but ended up going up and down and round and round and back out on the man road towards the bridge. I didn't fancy that, so turned off into the historic village of Charlestown, followed by Limekilns, which I think, officially, are both in Fife. Now, I could claim to have ticked Fife off the list too, but I really do have some very attractive offers for that county, things like gliding and dungeons, so I'm going to make a doubly special effort to get back there before my time runs out at the end of May...or maybe the beginning of June... Limekilns is beautiful. The River Forth was sparkling and twinkling in the early afternoon sun, I could see the bridges, cranes, and wildlife. And two people sitting on a bench. I popped over and asked them for the best way to circumnavigate Edinburgh, so that I could get to Berwickshire. We got chatting and they asked all about Cubbie, saying it was a much nicer bike than all these modern status symbols people ride nowadays.... then the lady handed me a fiver and wished me all the best for completing the challenge. It's so nice to find some really genuine and trusting people out there.
On their advice, once I was back over the bridge, I kept on the A90 / A902 / A199 and followed the very few signs I could find to Leith. Keeping to the north of the city I avoided all the tram-related road works (odd that, they're installing trams in Edinburgh city 65 years after the last one was decommissioned) and wanted to head out on the coast road through Prestonpans and Cockenzie towards North Berwick, which isn't actually in Berwickshire, it's in East Lothian these days. But Cubbie's clutch was getting increasingly heavy and stiff to operate, and tiddling through the Easter weekend traffic wasn't helping, not to mention both of us were getting hot and stuffy. At 14:30 I found myself on a dual carriageway, the A1 as it happens. Turned off at Tranent, an old coal mining town 402 miles north of London. London? I'm sure I've heard that name before. It's quite a nice wee town (Tranent, not London), although the roads were horribly busy, and the people friendly and helpful. The accent is noticeably different out there, which is peculiar because it's only a handful from miles from Edinburgh. Unless these people I spoke to all happened to be from out with the area. I wanted to carry on heading south to Gifford and then up and over the Lammermuir Hills, where somewhere, I would stumble over the border between East Lothian and Berwickshire, but Cubbie had developed a rattle. One of those ones where you ride along varying the speed, gears, riding position, anything, just to try and work out where it's coming from. With no success in identifying the noise, and my left hand growing ever more sore from the heavy clutch, and time pressing on, I made another executive decision (I've made a lot of them during Cubbie's Counties) to turn back inland and make my way to Humbie, then cross the border there, somewhere near to Fala / Gilston. I've no idea how I ended up on that particular road, as the small junctions didn't seem to be marked on my map, but there I was, in Berwickshire, yay! Good, I could head back to Starry Towers now. Phew, I was hungry, cold, tired, aching, had a sore hand and Cubbie seemed to be going to be poorly, the rattley noise getting louder as we went faster, so rather than try to find the squiggly roads, I opted for the main route up to the Edinburgh City Bypass, the dreaded A720, but somehow diverted into Dalkeith. Oh me, it was going wrong. The sign posts didn't say anything I wanted them to say and there was a silly great big bus in my way blocking the junction I needed to cross, I couldn't hold the clutch lever in any longer, so popped it into neutral, kept the engine revving to let the driver know Cubbie was behind him, and waited patiently for my turn. Then when I finally got across, I realised I should have turned left and had to go back and do it all again! Sitting at just under an indicated 50mph on the bypass, lights a-blazing, Cubbie a-rattling, we held a steady course until Hermiston Gate, turned off just before there, 'cos that would have taken us onto the M8, and zoomed along there until we hit somewhere-or-other and into Dechmont at 17:40. What a day! Wow! FIVE counties achieved - Clackmannanshire, Kinross-shire, Mid and East Lothian and Berwickshire. Wow, wow, wow. No wonder I was tired. Still, no time like the present to check out that rattle and sort the heavy clutch. Well, that was aided somewhat by a liberal application of Star's 3-in-1 oil, although the cable action still felt a little 'grungy'. As for the rattle, Kawa suggested via a text that I should check the primary chain case for oil, so I undid the drain bolt and a few mins later, presented Star with a tub full of black scummy old oil. In case you're wondering where John had got to, he was away working, leaving Star to cope with a Cubbie visit all on her own! Poor quine, still, she did admirably, allowing me to park in the back yard behind locked gates. Refilled the case with fresh Q8 oil, then checked the gearbox, it only needed about 50ml of oil, so presume that wasn't the culprit. Glancing over the rest of the bike I noticed the chain guard, which I had tied up in the morning with a cable tie, had been rubbing on the spokes, so maybe that was it. All I know is I gave the whole bike the once over before settling down to a huge plate of Star's famous chicken-in-a-sauce-with-garlic-bread-tatties-and-carrots-yum-yum-followed-by-a-chocolate-ecclair-yum-yum-yum-again!

Deep breath, part 2. Star had to leave the house just before 7am on Bank Holiday Monday, so I had arranged Plan C with Bantam Cub, which was to meet me at 9am in a small village called Fauldhouse, just on the southern tip of West Lothian. He was coming in from Ayrshire to accompany Cubbie and me for a few hours. My alarm went tring-aling-ling at 6am, up like a rocket, packed my bag, did all the usual morning refreshing routine and was standing on the pavement, shivering in the early morning frost, at half past six. That’s 06:30. That’s a time of day I quite enjoy but don’t often see.

Next stop, Bo’ness steam train, fantastic, we arrived just in time to see a train leaving the station, plumes of black and grey smoke choking the sun, the porters whistle followed by the peeep peeeep from the big funnel, and slowly it chuffed away, heading towards Birkhill Fireclay Mine.

Ah, the perfect end to a very nearly perfect weekend, even though I didn’t get home at 2am. 400 bottom numbing Cubbie miles, 7.5 more counties done (Fife counts as a half) and a few more pounds raised, which takes the total to £1827.80, and look at that - over 31,000 hits on this here little bloggy. No reoccurrence of either the rattle or the funny clutch/engine thing I described so well earlier on.

Thanks to Chairman Ted for allowing me to gatecrash the meeting, and to Shorty for staying behind at the end and helping to load Cubbie, and leading me out of Doune to set me on the road north. In my befuddled state I could have easily driven to Portsmouth without realising. Thanks to Bantam Cub for joining me, so sorry you had to end the journey with a trip in a van, enjoyed your company and my ride on your bike. Thanks to Star for being a great hostess, and for the Easter Bunny, sorry to Gixer that I missed you (this is sounding like one of those Oscar speeches, sorry for that), thanks to the plane spotters and the couple in Limekilns for the cash – oh and also to the guys I met at the meeting whom I’d never met before but seemed to know about Cubbies Counties and insisted on pushing a few pounds into my shaking paws. Have I missed anyone? Thanks to everyone for reading. Thanks to Mrs BC, for I don’t know what in particular, but who, incidentally, is no relation to BC, I just thought I should clarify that. And goooooood night.