Yesterday has to have been one of the longest days of my life so far. I was having brekky at a posh hotel in Edinburgh, just before day 2 of a really interesting briefing (ahem) started, and Mrs BC phoned to say that my little collie dog, Jen, was poorly. Well of course, I wanted to come straight home, cos she misses me at the best of times when I'm away, so imagine her being poorly and wondering where I was. Still, if I'd hopped on a train then I would have had to back on another briefing - and believe me, once in enough. Luckily it was only a half day but the hours dragged by. I kept my phone on, much to the annoyance of the briefing managed, just in case Mrs BC had to get in touch, but no news. As soon as we were finished, I gulped my lunch down and headed for the train station. Three hours on the train, then the rush hour traffic through Aberdeen!!!!! Finally got home about 6pm, and my poor wee Jen couldn't even wag her tail to greet me. Called the vet right away but when she got here, she did a few tests and advised getting Jen to the surgery to be put on a drip. With a temp of 106, the extra fluids would help bring it down by flushing the body through. Rosie the vet reckons Jen is suffering from Pyometra which is a rather nasty case of pus in the uterus. We rushed her in and I was pleased that even though it was gone 8pm by then, the head vet Hamish had left a meeting and was waiting for us. He hooked her up to a drip, and made her comfy in a kennel. There are only few things that I can think of that are worse than having to say goodbye to a pet you've had for 15 years under these circumstances. She looked up as I patted her and left. Tears? You bet, bucketfuls. This morning I called to see how she was, and Rosie said she'd got through the night but if anything, seemed a wee bit worse. Blood tests and an ultrascan and now underway, results should take a couple of hours. Fingers crossed for Jen.
On a more cheery note, while I was staying in Edinburgh, John from Bikeshite.com who lives down that way made the effort to toddle into town on his Yamamamamahahahaha in the pouring rain at rush hour! Had he not got lost several times we would have had more time for a chat, but as it was, I was heading out for dinner and he had to get back to do his house husband duties, as his good lady, Star, was slightly under the weather. Thanks for the chocolate John.
And finishing off with a sad note. The vet phoned a bit later to say Jen had died while they were doing some tests. It was probably her liver that had come to the end. RIP little Jen.