Saturday 3 September 2011


Yep, well thats me! Just home from my second stint at work today, firstly in Aberdeen then home to collect something, then back out to Huntly. Mrs BC's just getting me some tea (to eat, not drink) then I'll be printing off membership forms, dragging tables down out of the loft and emptying the car ready to go to the Motorcycle Convention tomorrow at Alford. If you're on Facebook you can expect a few piccies to be posted, but if you're on the blog only, it might take me a day or two to get some pics on here for you.

Hope y'all have a good weekend.


kawa said...

Have a good day tomorrow, I'll not manage up to Alford. Just had the Wee Iain run today, so got a bit of catching up to do roon the hoose noo


Bodger said...


Will indeed have a very pleasant's Labor Day on Monday here so we all get the day off.

Shall indulge in a BBQ, some ale and even play with Smudge the Wonder Dog. Maybe even do some cleaning around Casa Caimbeul


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