Sunday, 17 June 2012

The 4th Plus1 - forms are out!

Yep, at last! It's true, the forms really are available now for the 4th Plus1 at Aden Country Park, Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire on Weds 8th and Thurs 9th August 2012. Here are a few details about the two day event run by the NE Scottish section of the Vintage Motorcycle Club.
Wednesday 8th August ~ Non-competitive Social Run This run is open to VMCC members and non-members riding VMCC eligible motorcycles or three wheelers (25yrs and over). Please sign on at the semi-circular Home Farm Steading in the centre of Aden County Park from 9am, producing your valid membership card (non members must purchase Day Membership for only £3). Coffee and bacon rolls are available from the café. The first bike will leave at 10am and others will follow in age-related order. To enable you to enjoy the scenery of the north east at a relaxed pace, there will be a route card to follow (so you’re advised to bring a passenger!) and a recommended lunch stop where you can decide which eatery to visit. Parking of bikes in the Steading Courtyard is only permitted in the morning. An evening meal will be held in the Home Farm Steading Restaurant and will start at 7 for 7.30pm, we hope you will join us to round off a great day in good company. We would really appreciate it if you could each bring a small gift for the raffle, which will follow the awards ceremony. Thursday 9th August ~ Bob’s Brilliant Lunch Run This run will start from the campsite area, departure time TBA. There will a stop for a light lunch en route, and a relaxed al fresco supper at the campsite is planned for the evening, please bring your own liquid refreshments. Please note: day membership is required for non-members wishing to take part in the Lunch Run.
Please don't just turn up expecting to be able to take part though - you are of course, more than welcome, but you must pre-book so that we know how many to expect. You can come along to watch the old bikes leave or perhaps a better idea is to be in the park when they return. If you'd like more details about either option, or would like the forms sent out, please email me gbc AT


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